Wednesday, July 25, 2007

McDonald's and Singers from Madrid

Okay, so to pick up where I left off...

There is a McDonald's on Park street, which is a pretty fancy place (Park Street, that is). I guarentee you, you have never, ever been in a McDonald's like this before.

We walk in and get pelted with this icy, amazing blast from an air conditioner right over the entry door. It was soooooo cool in there, it was almost like jumping into a swimming pool on a record hot day, it felt so good. We looked around, and there were stairs going down to where you order, and stairs going up to more seating in a balcony kind of area. It has also got to be the SLOWEST McDonald's meal I have ever ordered in my life. In the states and Canada, even when they mess something up, it wouldn't take me his long to get my food.
We went and ordered, and they have no beef, which was interesting. So Caitlin and I both got McChicken meals, and Tuan got a McChicken Maharajah or something. I also got a soft-serve cone with chocolate topping. I had to eat that first because everything here melts or gets warm so fast, but I was not waiting in that line again.
So we go to sit down and we start wolfing down our food. After a few minutes we all slow down and savor the Americanized goodness, the Coke that was actually staying cold, and the fries that tasted just like home. Also, we wanted to have a reason to take as long as possible, because walking outside again was going to feel absolutely dreadful.
So we ate, sang "My Heart Will Go On", "Waiting for Tonight", and "It's My Life" with the speakers overhead, used the bathroom[!!!!!], and finally started to make our way back to the Hostel. We got there shortly after 8pm, and we didn't leave until around 10.

The next day I went to Shishu in the morning as usual, and had awesome times with the munchkins. When I went to wash my hands after feeding and taking Deepa to the potty, I ran into the Sister that is always on that floor. She asked me my name and we introduced ourselves (kinda...for some reason, when you ask someone there name, they never tell you yours unless you ask them back...a fact true of many of the different cultures). She asked my where I was from and how long I was staying, another common question - one as common as 'where are you from?' in college - and said that she saw me working with Deepa. I told her how much I loved working with Deepa, and she told me that a girl, Mazie, was leaving after Friday, and that she had been here for two months and was working with Deepa and two other children, and they were improving greatly. She told me that she would really like me to work with Deepa and the other two children after Mazie left and asked me to come to Shishu in the afternoon on Friday to go over things. I told her I would LOVE to, and she was very excited. We talked about what Deepa could do so far and what we would like her to do by the time I leave, and I am really excited to see how far she can come. She is a delightful little girl, who doesn't scream or yell, but in turn doesn't talk or laugh. I have gotten a few priceless smiles out of her, though, and today, something happened that had a similar effect on my heart as did the Grinch's when he saves Christmas.

Today, I went to Shishu and showed some newbies around, sadly enough who were only here for today, from Germany. Because I showed them around I didn't get a kid to feed (nor did they for morning snack), but I managed to get Deepa to clean up and take to the potty, and the German girls got Nibihya, who is one of the most adorable babies I have ever seen, though she is one of the most difficult. I think she has Cystic Fibrosis, but other than that she looks like a normal...9 month old? Fact is, she's about 3. I fed her this afternoon...Hardest thing ever. Just cried and cried and cried.
Anyway, Deepa. Took her to the potty, and helped the Massis clean up the other kids sitting in there while I waited for Deepa. I took her out and got her new panties, and we walked back and forth for a while. Usually (like today), Deepa really likes walking around and prefers it to being carried very much, and sometimes prefers to stand holding onto something than to sit and wait. So we walked and walked, then finally I brought her to the mats, where she knows when her feet step on them its time to sit. Unfortunately, since we walk around and rock back and forward first for PT, I usually have to pick her up and take her to the back, which she doesn't like. Anyway, I gave her a rattle to keep her busy and got an exercise ball, and we started the bouncing to tone her sit-to-stand muscles, as well as putting her on her belly on the ball to strengthen her knees and stomach muscles. After both of us where bored with that, I gave her different kinds of rattles, and emptied a small box of toys and flipped it over so she could hit it. Not being able to see, she loves things that stimulate her other senses, like musical instruments and smelly stuff. After she had made plenty a racket, I got out the smelly box, which has tiny tupperware things filled with different kinds of herbs and spices, mostly. Cinnamon, Chai tea (some of which I REALLY need to find before I leave), others. I let her keep a rattle in her hand, and I would say her name and open a corner of the box, and she would stop rocking forward and back and get a very interested look on her face, stopping to smell. I would say what it was and she would smell again and then get bored. It was interesting watching what the different scents made her do. She reacted to one by rocking back and forth faster, and to another (cinnamon), that made her sit completely still. One of her favorites, besides the cinnamon, was the chai, which was my favorite by far. After we were done with that, I put everything away and Deepa walked around with another girl for a few miniutes. A few minutes later, when Deepa was walking with me again, a group of singers had entered the eating/PT area that I didn't see enter. They were all from Madrid, and they started singing these awesome songs in Spanish. Deepa LOVES to listen to music, so I walked her back, and we danced for about 15 minutes while the singers were there. I was able to get pictures and video! Hopefully I will be able to post them soon. Also, the board (when I do post, you will see) behind all the singers with the kids pictures on it is the outer room of the school I'm pretty sure Sarah, Tuan's girlfriend, started when she was here.

While Deepa and I were dancing, she smiled the most I've ever seen her smile in one day. Then, after they had left, I bent down level with Deepa and said, "You liked the music and dancing, didn't you? That was fun!" and I swore to you with all my heart, she responded "Yes." It was the most fantastic sound EVER! The only thing that would top that for me is if she would laugh. I've seen her cry, but she can smile, and I know she can laugh.

After Shishu Bhavan and my Grinch-Heart thing with Deepa, I walked back with the Taiwanese girls that I usually walk back with, talking most of the way with...Youngen, I think is her name. I've formally met her and Lei (lay-ee), but not the other girl. When we got back to Hotel Maria, I showed all three of them how to do the Yankee Doodle step that Step2This teaches at Western all the time. They got it very quickly, and did it all by themselves to show me they could do it. I told them that as long as they could remember the song "Yankee Doodle", they could remember the step, and that I would email each of them the video I took.

When Tuan and Caitlin got back we chilled for a while, went to lunch, then got ice cream (packaged) from a shop. We dressed our fast melting ice cream treat in kit-kats and nutella (which is 160 rupees! Really expensive...for here...more than a night in Hotel Maria), and enjoyed.

That is where I leave you today. Later, I have the performance of the Taize prayer the choir has been practicing, at Mother's Tomb, and tomorrow (tonight, actually, at around 11pm), marks my first completed week. Tomorrow is the big Volunteer Day, and it's going to be busy, but great.

Thank you all for all of your comments and support! I love hearing everything all of you have to say, and its a real encouragement to me, about 10,000 miles away from home, to know that you all read my blog and care about what I'm doing. Most important of all to me is that you also believe what I'm doing is important, for me, for the children I'm helping, for the Sisters, and for the Missionaries of Charity. Thank You!

With All Christ's Love

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